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Postgraduate Researcher Development


"I am proactive in planning my career, and I understand how to translate my skills and experience into successful applications."

This competency is about actively planning your career and understanding your own skills. Rather than putting off thinking about your next career steps until you need to make a job application, you should be regularly re-assessing your career goals and strategically working towards them. This will help you to make the most of the springboard of working at Cambridge.

Engaging with this Development Framework is one of the first steps towards proactive career planning. It might also involve identifying and approaching people who could act as useful mentor(s) to you for different aspects of your professional development.

You then need to know how to seek out career opportunities: this is not just about finding a job, but about understanding what kind of work would suit you and your circumstances, and being able to judge whether a particular opportunity fits with your strengths and current plans.

Finally, you need to understand your own skills and experience, be able to apply them to different roles, and articulate them clearly to prospective employers.

Utilizing the Careers Service will help you to develop these skills.