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Postgraduate Researcher Development


Online Courses

The following courses are hosted on Moodle. You can work through the sections which feel relevant to you at your own pace, though we'd recommend working through all of Managing a Research Project in order.

Time Management Toolkit enrolment instructions

Time Management Toolkit

Managing a Research Project enrolment instructions

Managing a Research Project

Reading Efficiency Toolkit enrolment instructions

Reading Efficiency Toolkit


These LibGuides explore how to manage literature and data.

Searching the Literature LibGuide

Searching the Literature

Note-Making LibGuide


Data Management LibGuide

Data Management


Rowena Murray's highly recommended book How to Survive Your Viva is available for free as an eBook via the University.

How to Survive Your Viva eBook on iDiscover


Learn how to make the most of the free MATLAB licence you have access to with MathWorks' short on-ramping course, and then delve deeper with all sorts of specialised courses on topics ranging from data visualisation to machine learning and more.

MathWorks Academy