What is 'Researcher Development'?
Researcher Development (RD) can be tricky to define! At its heart it encompasses all of the learning and development that you experience and acquire during your time in Cambridge. It provides you with the skills you need right now for your current work, as well as for your future, whatever that might look like. Researcher Development is there to help you become a professional researcher.
The core competencies you should be developing as a professional researcher have been drawn together and structured within the Cambridge Researcher Development Framework.
Who are 'Postgraduate Education & Development'?
We are the University's central provider for the Researcher Development of PhD students: our team develops and delivers a diverse programme of activities and online resources for postgraduate researchers, as well as acting as a hub for the coordination of Researcher Development provision in the University.
Our team also has a focus on postgraduate education more broadly. We are part of the Cambridge Centre of Teaching & Learning, which contributes to the enhancement and enrichment of educational practice across the Collegiate University.
You can learn more about Researcher Development by exploring our website!