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Postgraduate Researcher Development


The Cambridge Centre for Teaching & Learning are the central providers of teaching development opportunities in the University.

An Introduction to Undergraduate Supervision

If you are going to be supervising undergraduates, you must complete An Introduction to Undergraduate Supervision.

This three-part programme prepares you to supervise undergraduate students at the University of Cambridge, helping you to understand the purpose of supervisions at Cambridge, become familiar with effective feedback practices, know how to deal with common supervision scenarios, and feel confident with the practicalities of starting to supervise.

Teaching Seminars

(For Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)

Ideal for participants with little to no experience teaching seminars, this two-hour workshop focuses on the basics of how to structure a seminar, harnessing an array of design methods, thought-provoking questioning techniques and effective communication skills. You will also learn how to surmount typical challenges associated with engagement, including reading materials and other pre-sessional work.

Teaching Seminars: find out more and book

A Practical Guide to Your First Lecture

Aimed at those lecturing for the first time, especially PhD students delivering a guest lecture, this two-hour workshop provides a practical introduction to presenting a lecture, including discussion of different approaches and styles.

You will have the opportunity to deliver a 10-minute lecture (not a research presentation!) and receive feedback during the session, giving you a chance to practice presenting in a lecture theatre, gain confidence in this method of teaching, share tips and advice with peers, and incorporate feedback into your lecture.

Your First Lecture: find out more and book