The workshops under this theme cover a range of topics and are specifically tailored to meet the needs of PhD students. Whether you are just starting your PhD or are in the middle of your research journey, these workshops will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your research goals.
We also have online resources on managing your research if you are looking to study in your own time.
Lunch & Learn
Managing yourself and your project
- Applying creativity in research
- Coach yourself through procrastination
- High-intensity productivity: Maximising the impact of short time periods
- How to avoid plagiarism
- How to project-manage your PhD
- Imposter syndrome
- Planning fundable research using Research Canvas
- Sustainable academic practice
- Tools for managing your time effectively
- Turning setbacks into success
- Welcome to your doctorate
- Series: From surviving to thriving
Working with others
- Demystifying leadership: Learn to increase your impact and influence
- How do I work in teams and collaborate?
- MBTI: Understanding personality in a research environment
- Teamworking and leadership in research and beyond
- Working with your supervisor