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Postgraduate Researcher Development

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Your PhD

Starting a PhD is a very exciting time, but very different to what you may have experienced previously. As a postgraduate research student, you have much more autonomy over how you work and are the one responsible for planning, managing and progressing your PhD.

As a part-time research student, your core activities will be identical to those of a full-time student, but your timeline will differ. You will have up to 7 years to complete your studies; on an ongoing basis, you will do research, meet your supervisor, write reports and publications, attend conferences and networking events, develop your skills, and more.

In this section of the website, you can explore advice and support for part-time research students under the four headings below.

Please also see the part-time study section of the Postgraduate Admissions website for information on topics such as financing your studies, employment and visas.

Getting started

Getting Started

Quick tips

Quick Tips

Fellow students' experiences

Fellow Students Experiences

Resources & support

Key resources and Support