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Postgraduate Researcher Development



The Language Centre's suite of courses on Academic English is highly relevant even if you are a native English speaker, addressing topics such as argumentation, clarity in writing, and even procrastination.

Writing your Paper is an extensive guide by Taylor & Francis focused on publishing research articles. It addresses topics such as formatting, authorship and following journal guidelines as well as tips on writing different parts of the paper.

Academic English by the Language Centre

Academic English

Writing your Paper by Taylor and Francis

Writing Your Paper

The University of Manchester's Academic Phrasebank can provide inspiration for phrasing - with a library of generic 'connecting' phrases organised by type such as "signalling transitions", "describing trends" and "indicating caution" - but also serve as a way to consider the organisation of your writing.

The Duke Graduate School Scientific Writing Resource is focused on communicating what you actually intend to the reader, recognising that (written) communication involves a reader as well as a writer: if your intent is communicated, then the writing was effective.

Academic Phrasebank by the University of Manchester

Academic Phrasebank

Scientific Writing Resource by the Duke Graduate School

Scientific Writing Resource


Mark Buchanan and Justin Mullins of Write About Science are both published science writers: Mark currently writes columns for Nature Physics and Bloomberg View, and Justin is currently a consultant editor at New Scientist and author of the Physics arXiv Blog.

Watch Scientific Abstract Writing on YouTube

Scientific Abstract Writing


These books may be useful to you if you are tackling specific writing tasks for the first time, or feel you would benefit from some language guidance focused on science research writing as a non-native speaker. All are available for free as eBooks via the University.

How to Write a Thesis on iDiscover

How to Write a Thesis

Science Writing for Non-Native Speakers on iDiscover

Science Writing for Non-Native Speakers

Writing Science on iDiscover

Writing Science