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Postgraduate Researcher Development


This guidance was prepared by the Researcher Development team and the Student Services Finance Manager.


  1. As soon as you receive the email to confirm that your application for funds has been successful, you should raise an invoice for the agreed amount. Please do not wait until the event has happened.
  2. The invoice can be prepared using the following details:
    To: Researcher Development

    Student Services Centre
    Bene't Street
    CB2 3PT

    Customer code on CUFS: 1002


  3. Your institution will be responsible for processing invoices and other costs associated with the activity for which funds have been awarded. Please ensure that you keep records of expenditure. You do not need to submit these unless asked.
  4. Funds should be spent within 12 months of the date of receipt (see Timelines). This is likely to involve carrying funds forward across financial year-end. In such cases, there is no need to seek separate approval from the Researcher Development Executive.
  5. Any funds not spend within 12 months must be returned to Researcher Development.
  6. The Head of Researcher Development may request evidence of how awards have been managed and any activity evaluated, particularly if applications to repeat activities in future rounds of the scheme are received.
  7. If you have any questions or concerns about the above process, please contact Researcher Development.